Rabbanit Talia Weisberg
Core Semikha, Class of 2024

Rabbanit Talia Weisberg is a connector, passionate about facilitating rich Jewish experiences and helping people make informed Jewish decisions. She is currently pursuing a PhD in religion at Boston University. She received semicha from Yeshivat Maharat, where she completed shul internships at Congregation Sherith Israel in Nashville, TN and Beth David Synagogue in West Hartford, CT; worked as the Orthodox Educator at MIT Hillel in Cambridge, MA; and served as a student chaplain at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston. She earned her AB at Harvard University and wrote a senior honors thesis about the Bais Yaakov girls’ school movement, of which she is an alumna, and its role in the evolution of Orthodox women’s formal religious education. In 2013, she was named as one of the Jewish Week’s “36 Under 36” young visionaries reshaping and broadening the Jewish community. She is currently working on a book about animals in the Torah.
publications and media
Title | Type | Category | Topic | Year |
The Shepherd of the Wilderness | D'var Torah | Shemot | Shemot | 2024/5784 |
Homecoming and Wholeness | Dvar Torah | Shoftim | Shoftim | 5783/2023 |
The Lambs of Commitment | Dvar Torah | Shemot | Tetzaveh | 5783/2023 |
The Words and the Bees | Dvar Torah | Devarim | Devarim | 2022/5782 |
#maharat10daysoftorah Pesach 2022, Day 6 | Dvar Torah; Multimedia | Holidays; Video Dvar Torah | Pesach; #maharat10daysoftorah | 2022/5782 |
Rachel: Our Mother, Our Shepherd | Dvar Torah | Bereishit | Vayeitzei | 2021/5782 |
On the Wings of God | Dvar Torah | Devarim | Haazinu | 2021/5782 |
The Snake and the Donkey | Dvar Torah | Bamidbar | Balak | 2021/5781 |
Matan Torah: A New Creation Narrative | Dvar Torah | Shemot | Yitro | 2021/5781 |
Title | Publication | Published |
Artifacts of Orthodox Childhoods: Personal and Critical Essays | Ben Yehuda Press | 2022 |
Dr. Dainy Bernstein collects essays about games, music and toys from individuals including Talia Weisberg.