about the center for lived torah
The Center for Lived Torah guides the students and graduates of Yeshivat Maharat, as well as the broader community, in crafting an approach to halakha and Jewish life that integrates our tradition (mesora) together with the wisdom of the world.
Current initiatives include:
The College Gemara Fellowship, which gathers young women from campuses across the country to learn together in a high level gemara shiur
In-person intensives, which bring people from different affinity groups to Maharat’s Beit Midrash to learn together
Holiday Readers, which share the Torah of Maharat students and alumni on particular themes relating to the Jewish calendar
Halakha in Action, which enables learned women to be halakhically and pastorally-informed advocates and guides for women navigating sensitive life cycle events
The Va’tichtov: She Writes Fellowship, which elevates women’s voices through a series of writing workshops geared towards creating publishable pieces
Summer Learning, which allows community members to come learn with Maharat students and faculty
Through these programs, the center enables participants to engage deeply with Torah texts, share that knowledge with their communities, and embrace halakha as a dynamic, evolving, and living force.
Questions? Contact Rachel Rosenthal rrosenthal@yeshivatmaharat.org