Rabbanit Victoria Sutton
Core Semikha, Class of 2014

Maharat Victoria Sutton is on the faculty of The Heschel School in New York. She previously served as the Director of Education and Community Engagement at Congregation Beth Israel in Berkeley, CA. Prior to studying for ordination at Yeshivat Maharat, Victoria spent one year studying Talmud at Mechon Hadar. A graduate of Barnard College, with an AB in Biological Sciences, she also holds a Grand Diploma in Pastry Arts from the French Culinary Institute in Manhattan.
She is currently the rabbinic fellow for synagogue initiatives at the Shalom Hartman Institute of North America, and has served as the intern for synagogue education at Ohav Sholom, a Modern Orthodox synagogue in Merrick, NY. She was an educational intern at SAR High School, and has taught in the Drisha High School and Women’s Collegiate Programs. Involved in various community organizations, Victoria is the Social Action/Social Justice co-chair for BJ’s 20’s and 30’s group, co-chair of the BJ/SPSA homeless shelter, and a board member at Jewish Family & Community Services East Bay. Victoria also served as a Victim Intervention Advocate at New York Presbyterian Hospital, where she is trained to provide emotional support in the Emergency Room to survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence. She completed the Rabbis Without Borders rabbinical student fellowship, and participated in the RRC’s Retreat for Jewish and Muslim Emerging Religious Leaders and the YCT Interfaith Fellowship. Victoria has been awarded the UJA- Federation PENS Scholarship from the Wiener Educational Center.
publications and media
Title | Type | Category | Topic | Year |
Maharat Victoria Sutton delivers the Invocation at Yeshivat Maharat's Semikha Ceremony 2017 | Multimedia | Graduations | Fifth Semikha Ceremony | June 18, 2017 |
Giving Thanks: the Challenge of Saying Hallel During Difficult Times | Dvar Torah | Holiday | Pesach | 2014/5774 |
Our Personal Exodus: Giving Lasting Meaning to the Seder | Dvar Torah | Holiday | Pesach | 2012/5772 |
Title | Publication | Published |