Rabbanit Michal Kohane
Core Semikha, Class of 2020

Now back in Israel where she grew up, Rabbanit Michal Kohane continues to be a teacher of Torah and Talmud in Israel and abroad in various settings: school, adult-ed, scholar in residence and more. She’s completed her chaplaincy certification, and is now working on her official tour-guiding license in Israel.
Prior to that, Rabbanit Michal was a long-time leader and educator in Northern California, serving as rabbi, Federation executive director and more. She was also the Rosh Kehila of the Prospect Heights Shul in Brooklyn. An avid learner, Rabbanit Michal holds a BA in Studies of Israel and Education, an MS in Jewish Studies, an MA in Clinical Psychology, and a PsyD in organizational psychology. She writes regularly: her first novel, Hachug ("Extracurricular") was published in Israel by Steimatzky and her weekly blog about Torah, travel and life can be found at www.miko284.com
publications and media
Title | Type | Category | Topic | Year |
Traveling in the Footsteps of the Hasmoneans | Dvar Torah | Holidays | Hanukkah | 2023/5784 |
At Home with God and Half an Ark | Dvar Torah | Shemot | Terumah | 2024/5784 |
Ve’Samachta Be’chagecha: Sukkot Joy | Dvar Torah | Holidays | Sukkot | 5784/2023 |
Building a Railing and Spiritual Care | Dvar Torah | Ki Tetze | Ki Tetze | 5783/2023 |
Holiness All Around | Dvar Torah | Vayikra | Emor | May 5, 2023 |
Moses and Esther – Some Fun Thoughts for Purim! | Dvar Torah | Holidays | Purim | March 7, 2023 |
Abundance of Torah - Rabbanit Michal Kohane | D'var Torah; Multimedia | January 15, 2019 | ||
The Scapegoat: Tossing Lots in the Desert | Multimedia | International Women's Talmud Day | April 24, 2021 | |
Siyum Seder Mo'ed, 5782 (Hebrew) | Multimedia | Video Divrei Torah | March 1, 2022 | |
Torah Chatter | Dvar Torah | Tehillim; 929 | ||
What the...? On the Yom Kippur Scapegoat Service | Dvar Torah | Holiday | Yom Kippur | 2018/5779 |
The Land of Milk & Yummy | Dvar Torah | Devarim | Ekev | 2021/5781 |
Blue, White, and Orange, Still | In the News | July 18, 2021 | ||
Power Hour of Torah: The Pesach Edition | Multimedia; Dvar Torah | Video Divrei Torah; Panels and Discussions; Holiday | Pesach | March 23, 2021 |
Date with the Talmud | Event | January, 2021 | ||
The Power of Goodbye | Dvar Torah | Devarim | Devarim | 2018/5778 |
People of the Journey | Dvar Torah | Devarim | Nitzavim; Vayelech | 2017/5777 |
Seder in Bnai-Brak Hills | Dvar Torah | Holiday | Pesach | 2018/5780 |
Pesach - A Love Story | Dvar Torah | Holiday | Pesach | 2017/5777 |
Rabbanit Michal Kohane - Eighth Annual Semikha Ceremony | Graduation Speeches | 2020 | ||
עמידת ראש על קו התפר | In the News | December 29, 2020 | ||
Rabbanit Michal Kohane - Maharat's 8th Annual Semikha Ceremony 2020 | Multimedia | Graduations | Eighth Semikha Ceremony | June 9, 2020 |
On Rising Early in the Morning | Dvar Torah | Bereishit | Vayera | 2016/5777 |
Lost and Found | Dvar Torah | Bereishit | Miketz | 2019/5780 |
Re-Meeting Joseph and His Brothers | Dvar Torah | Bereishit | Vayigash | 2018/5779 |
Savlanut! Undoing the Web of Enslavement | Dvar Torah | Shemot | Va'era | 2017/5777 |
Carrying the Torah's Progressive Spirit into the Future | Dvar Torah | Shemot | Mishpatim | 2017/5777 |
Spinning the Goats | Dvar Torah | Shemot | Vayakhel; Pekudei | 2020/5780 |
Everywhere I Go... | Dvar Torah | Vayikra | Acharei Mot; Kedoshim | 2017/5777 |
Blessed be the Sota | Dvar Torah | Bamidbar | Naso | 2018/5778 |
Going Up With A Friend | Dvar Torah | Bamidbar | Beha'alotekha | 2017/5777 |
Mending Threads and Tying Knots | Dvar Torah | Bamidbar | Shelach | 2019/5779 |
Title | Publication | Published |